Sunday, September 16, 2007

Flash Before My Eyes

My son Eli and I attended a youth fundraiser fish fry at our church last night, while my hubby worked. Most of the congregation was there, and they all oohed and aahed over Eli as he smiled and giggled his was into their hearts. Who knew a nearly-9 month old could be so charming! I saw a friend there whom I've known since we were practically in diapers, who hadn't met Eli yet. He has a son who is twice Eli's age. It was weird to see eachother with our children! It really made me feel old!

On my way home last night, less than a mile from our house, a truck ran a red light. I didn't even have time to hit the horn. I squeezed the steering wheel and slammed on my breaks. I came to a screeching stop in the middle of the intersection. The truck thankfully skidded to a stop too, the grill ending up just inches from my back passenger side door. My sweet baby boy was sleeping soundly in his car seat right on the other side of that door. (Our car doesn't have "latch" in the middle seat) I do not know how the truck stopped just in time, and I do not know how the car behind me did not rear-end me either. I can call it nothing but a miracle. I have thanked God about 1,000,000 times since then. I can only hope that my beloved Britax car seat would have been enough protection for Eli, had the truck t-boned his door. I just don't know. I am now, obviously, terrified to drive anywhere, especially with my son in tow.

It wasn't my life I saw flash before my eyes last night, it was my son's.


Anonymous said...

Wow ... that's friggin SCARY! I hatehatehate people who run red lights.

Sweet Anticipation said...

Okay so that officially made me cry.

I'm glad you're both okay!